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Inheritance is the transfer of the assets left behind in the event of the death of a person to his legal heirs. With the death of a person, some legal procedures must be put into effect in order to protect the rights of the heirs and to share the goods equally. One of these procedures is the certificate of inheritance, also known as the certificate of inheritance. Details such as what is the certificate of inheritance (certificate of inheritance) and how to issue it and the processes that follow are among the most researched topics after a death.
In our content that we have prepared as an answer to all these curiosities; We have compiled all the necessary information about what the certificate of inheritance is, how it is obtained and what elements should be considered for you.
After the death of a person, the document containing information such as who is entitled to what proportion of the deceased person's property is called a certificate of inheritance (certificate of inheritance).
In other words, a certificate of inheritance is a document in which the heirs are legally determined.
The material valuable movable/immovable property, bank accounts and debts owned by the heir are included in the certificate of inheritance.
Inheritance declaration is a document that must be issued by a notary public according to Article 530 of the Turkish Civil Code. The notary must work with the heirs to determine the share of the heirs from the inheritance and the order of inheritance. The certificate of inheritance includes the identity information of the heirs, the inheritance rates and the details of the assets to be shared.
In order for the certificate of inheritance to be valid and official, it must be notarised.
The documents and process required for the declaration of inheritance are determined by the notary public
Documents generally requested by notaries to issue a certificate of inheritance;
- Death certificate of the heir,
- Photocopies of the identity cards of the heirs,
- If any, it is a will.
The notary examines the documents submitted, determines the accuracy of the heirs and then issues the certificate of inheritance.
The certificate of inheritance is very important to eliminate complexities. Thanks to the certificate of inheritance, the assets of the heir are transferred to the beneficiaries in an orderly manner.
Especially in processes involving more than one heir; It is important to obtain a certificate of inheritance for processes such as determining and sharing assets and obtaining property acquisition documents.
The certificate of inheritance can also be requested by other official institutions, especially land registry offices, in different processes.
As in every official process, there are some issues to be considered when issuing a certificate of inheritance (certificate of inheritance).
Here are some of the issues you should pay attention to when issuing a certificate of inheritance;
1- When applying for a certificate of inheritance, make sure that you present all the information correctly. Information such as the assets of the heir, bank accounts, immovable assets should be presented completely and accurately.
2- The death certificate is of great importance for verifying that the heir has actually passed away. When applying for a certificate of inheritance, you must submit the original or notarised copy of the death certificate of the heir.
3- When applying for a certificate of inheritance, you must submit the identity documents of all heirs to the notary. These documents must be identity card or passport. Complete and correct identity information is required for the correct preparation of the writ.
4- If another person will apply on behalf of one or more of the heirs, it is necessary to issue a power of attorney stating that the original heir has been authorised by the original heir to decide for someone else.
5- If the inherited goods are located abroad, it is important to contact the consulate or embassy of the relevant country and to follow the process continuously.
6- In case there is a will or different inheritance contracts, it is essential to evaluate the validity of these documents.
Inheritance certificate or certificate of inheritance is an official document issued to prove the property and rights to be received by the heirs in the event of the death of a person. Thanks to this document, inheritance processes are carried out smoothly and fairly.