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Modern Cities are Built with Zoning Plans

Distorted settlements, buildings that have emerged for purposes other than their intended use, streets that do not benefit the society, electricity and water installation problems, and an urban construction that is far from aesthetics. All these are caused by unplanned structuring in cities. In order to ensure the regular growth of cities, to create areas for the needs of people and to ensure controlled growth, it is necessary to put zoning plans into action. So what is a zoning plan?

Let's take a look at what is curious about the zoning plan in this article.

What is a Zoning Plan?

What is a Zoning Plan?

The method used to regulate how a city or a certain area within a city should be used in the future is called a zoning plan. In other words, the zoning plan forms the basis for ensuring regular settlements in cities.

Zoning plans work by prioritising many factors such as urban planning, land use, construction, infrastructure, environmental protection and public services.

The purpose of zoning plans;

1- To ensure that cities grow in an orderly manner.

2- To organise residential areas and commercial areas.

3- To determine and plan infrastructure targets.

4- To create public spaces.

5- Protecting green areas.

6- Organising transport networks and transport systems.

7- Protecting environmental resources and ensuring their sustainability.

Zoning plan has an important place to control the regular growth and development of cities. These plans are prepared by considering population growth, land use, housing needs and commercial areas and help to shape how cities should be in the future.

On the other hand, zoning plans also shape how land should be used. Within the zoning plan; many different areas of need such as residential areas, commercial zones, industrial zones, green areas, public areas are also positioned.

Lack of infrastructure, which is one of the biggest problems of unplanned settlement, is solved with zoning plans.

Zoning plans create the necessary areas for the provision of infrastructure services. Infrastructure needs such as water, electricity, natural gas, sewerage are arranged according to the regions determined according to the zoning plans. In this way, infrastructure services are planned effectively and unnecessary costs and problems that may occur can be prevented.

İmar planlarında çevresel hassasiyet, ön plandadır. Yeşil alanların ve doğal ortamların korunması önceliklidir. Planlar çerçevesinde; ekosistemlerin korunması, su kaynaklarının doğru kullanılması, ormanlık alanların korunması gibi çevresel konulara yönelik politikaları içerir.

İmar planları, kamu hizmetlerinin etkin bir şekilde sunulabilmesi için gerekli alanları da belirler. Okullar, hastaneler, parklar, spor alanları gibi topluma fayda sağlayacak kamusal hizmetlerin, hangi bölgelere yapılacağı ve nasıl konumlandırılacağı imar planlarıyla belirlenir.

What are the Types of Zoning Plans?

What are the Types of Zoning Plans?

Zoning plans determined by local governments are divided into two as Master Development Plan and Implementation Development Plan. While the Master Development Plan determines the general control and construction principles of a region, the Implementation Development Plan is a more detailed version. Many areas such as construction sections and infrastructure systems are handled in detail.

Master Plan is a type of plan prepared within a general strategy. It covers a general perspective by determining points such as housing, office, commercial area, green area, which includes the general construction plans of a region.


With Master Plan;

- Different usage areas such as housing, commerce, industry, agriculture, tourism, green areas can be determined.

- Building density is calculated depending on the population density.

It is determined which regions will have more dense settlement areas and which regions will have lower density.

- Transport models, roads and public transport lines are planned.

- The locations and sizes of green areas and parks are determined.

- Planning is made for infrastructure systems such as water, construction, electricity, telecommunication.

Implementation Development Plan is a type of plan that is a more detailed version of the Master Development Plan. This plan carries the general areas specified in the Master Development Plan to a more specific and detailed implementation level. It includes the usage routes of the region, construction details, infrastructure arrangements and other details.

Implementation Development Plan;

- Decides on the maximum construction to be built on a land.

- It determines the maximum or minimum height of buildings.

- It sets rules regarding the external appearance and architectural styles of buildings.

- It plans infrastructure systems such as water, construction, electricity, telecommunication.

The purpose of zoning plans is to make cities more livable, to make them open to economic development, to ensure environmental sustainability and to ensure a regular and planned development by considering the factors that will benefit the public.

For this reason, zoning plans are one of the important applications that will improve the future development and quality of life of cities.

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