Important: Check out our special offer for those looking for a large villa with garden, close to the sea, close to Istanbul!
When you decide to relocate to a country other than your home country, you may need to address numerous legal issues. Especially if you are not a citizen, the country that you choose as your new home may require you to tackle various bureaucratic and economic challenges.
Therefore, acquiring citizenship in the country where you intend to invest or live in should be regarded as a necessity. If you decide to live or invest in Turkey, one of the world’s important countries in geostrategic and economic terms, applying for Turkish citizenship would be a good idea. This is where ProTurk Property comes in to assist and serve you every step of the way.
Eligibility for Turkish citizenship for a foreigner to benefit from all the social and economic rights comes with several advantages. Once the eligibility requirements are met, the application is filed, and Turkish citizenship is approved, all the rights and obligations become effective.
Start a business in Turkey to earn an income
Invest in real estate to multiply your returns
Become a shareholder in Turkish companies
Engage in economic activities.
PROTURK Property®
To get information about the citizenship program, it will be enough to write your phone number. You will be contacted by our Program consultants, who are experts in their fields, to provide information about the program and the application process, and you will receive information free of charge.
PROTURK Property®
Complete your application procedures with support from our professional consultants, who will be happy to walk you through every step of the way from start to finish.